Quiz: Words Lately Learned 3

People seem to be enjoying these vocabulary quizzes, so I’ve created another one: “Words Lately Learned 3.” I hope you’ll test your knowledge and then share the results in the comments.

10 thoughts on “Quiz: Words Lately Learned 3

  1. Shelley says:

    80%! That will be my accomplishment for the week. Had to guess a few but Margaret and I must read some of the same books; I know I’ve come across assiduity, brio, compeer, and lavaliere, and looked them up. Thanks to Lord Peter Wimsey, I also know about incunabula; I love reading books set during WW2 so had also come across quisling quite a few times. Just posted the quiz on my FB page, and then Laura Rizzo shared it, so there should be more quiz takers shortly.

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