Historical Highlights 076

Your historical highlights are late this weekend because we were on vacation in San Diego from Monday to Friday. We got home last night after our flight was delayed for two hours and forty minutes. By the time we got in the door I had no energy left to finish this post!

Speaking of our trip, I hope to write a few posts about the historic sites we visited, such as Old Town San Diego State Historic Park, Mormon Battalion Historic Site, and Sunny Jim Sea Cave.

For now, here are a few recent history-themed articles from around the web.

“The Rude, Cruel, and Insulting ‘Vinegar Valentines’ of the Victorian Era” (learn more about the history of valentines in this post that I wrote last year)

“Fictional and Historical Heroines Who Inspire Us to Be Our Best Selves” (I found this via Modern Mrs. Darcy — I highly recommend her addictive podcast “What Should I Read Next?”)

“Will the Real Mr. Darcy Please Stand Up?” (worth reading if you’re a Jane Austen fan or interested in changing beauty standards)

“Washington—and Longfellow—Slept Here”

“Tattooing Was Banned In NYC For Nearly 40 Years”

“The Cork girl who was first through Ellis Island’s gates”

“Why the London of British Literature Barely Changed for 200 Years”

“African American History at the National Archives”

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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