Historical Highights 143

Hello, readers! Get ready for articles on Canadian, American, and ancient history, plus some fascinating images and a newly-released song.

Have you heard of (or visited) any of these utopian towns?

The Getty Museum’s blog has a whole series of posts on the animals of the medieval bestiary (see images and descriptions of everything from unicorns to hedgehogs to lions).

If you’re interested in ancient graffiti, don’t miss this article.

Did you know that Emperor Nero built a palace called the Domus Aurea (Golden House) that was buried under layers of construction until the 15th century?

Read up on the history of the New York Public Library. (If you’re pressed for time you’ll find a shorter post on the topic here. Incidentally I just learned about a picture book about the lion statues that guard the NYPL, coming out later this year.)

Here’s a thought-provoking article: “Why the Very First Treaty Between the United States and a Native People Still Resonates Today”

Three Canadian artists have released a song commemorating Viola Desmond, a Nova Scotia civil rights icon. (You’ll also find a picture book about her in my post on historical heroines.)

Happy weekend!

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