5 Things I Learned in June

Following Emily Freeman‘s lead I’m sharing the things I learned in June, from the surprising to the I-knew-this-already-but-it’s-been-driven-home-lately. I hope you’ll share what you’ve learned in the comments.

  1. Robins grow up fast. We have a nest on the side of our woodshed, with a perfect view from the bathroom windows. The first brood grew up and flew away in just a few weeks and a second brood is now occupying the nest.

2. Ernest Shepard, illustrator of the Winnie-the-Pooh books, was friends with A.A. Milne. (I’m interested in learning more about collaborations between authors and artists.)

3. A bite from a Lone Star tick can make you allergic to red meat. (Just one more reason to be afraid of ticks.)

4. Michael Ondaatje was the first Canadian to win the Booker Prize (for his novelĀ The English Patient, which my Skype book club read in May).

5. And finally… Life is hard and relationships take time, but it’s so important to support each other through our struggles.

What did you learn in June?

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