8 Things I Learned in July

Once again I’m borrowing Emily P. Freeman’s idea of tracking and posting what I’ve learned lately (she now shares her list quarterly, so I’ll be linking to her next list in a month or so). Maybe you’d also find it satisfying to take note of the things you learn (frivolous or serious). Here’s what I learned in July.

  1. Maple syrup can grow mold. Fortunately you can simply skim it off, boil the syrup, and transfer it to a clean container.

2. Agatha Christie passed the Apothecaries’ exam in 1917; this is where she got her “detailed knowledge of poisons that would stand her in good stead for her literary future.” (Learn more here.)

3. “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” follows a particular form, called an interlocking rubaiyat.

4. Malaria medication (mefloquine) can cause nightmares and even suicidal thoughts.

5. I’ve often wondered why only infants can get botulism from honey. I recently discovered the answer in this book: If Clostridium botulinum spores are present in the honey a baby consumes they can grow in his intestine and produce clostridium toxin. This is only a concern during the first year because after that babies have enough other bacteria in their gut to keep the spores from growing.

6. According to Ruth Beechick, there are three modes of thinking about arithmetic: manipulative, mental image, and abstract. I am guilty of thinking that only the abstract mode is “real math.” Fortunately, this book is helping me start my preschoolers learning arithmetic in everyday life.

7. I cannot wrap my head around personality types, like the MBTI and the Enneagram. I really want to understand them, but I am terrible at identifying and remembering what I am. Maybe I should just give up?

8. Budapest, Hungary is made up of two cities Buda and Pest, separated by the Danube River. Who knew? (Photo of Budapest by Dan Novac on Unsplash)

What did you learn in July?

4 thoughts on “8 Things I Learned in July

  1. Lori says:

    I learned how to take a screenshot! Pretty techie for the likes of me. On a Mac, just go Command Shift 3. Simple as that.

  2. Emily Miller says:

    Shame on you if your maple syrup went moldy. You need to make more pancakes. 🙂

    I have also wondered about infants getting botulism from honey.

    That’s why you have a sister to remind you about your personality types (like you used to remind me what my birth date was. haha.) You’re an Enneagram 6… but I confess that you seem to somewhat defy the MBTI.

    1. M.E. Bond
      M.E. Bond says:

      Yes to more pancakes, especially since blueberries are in season!

      Just one of the many perks of having a sister. 🙂

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