Favourite Things: August Edition

Looking back over the past month is a great way to appreciate all the good things I’ve experienced (even better if I remember to take note of things throughout the month!). Here are some of the books, food, and games I especially enjoyed, along with a few miscellaneous recommendations. I’d love to hear if you have any favourites to share.


Continuing on my Ann Patchett kick, I read Commonwealth at the beginning of August. I didn’t like it as well as the others I’ve read (too much dysfunctional family, perhaps), but I’m a sucker for literary novels told from multiple perspectives.

This month I finished two bedtime readalouds, both classics of children’s literature. First we read The Borrowers. Admittedly less happens in this book than I remembered, but I’m still planning to continue with the series. Gotta love the illustrations by Beth and Joe Krush.

We also read The Midnight Fox by Betsy Byars, which Gretchen Rubin recommended as a middle grade novel that everyone should read. I loved this story narrated by an introspective nine-year-old city boy who is sent to his aunt and uncle’s farm for the summer.

I’ve loved Shirley Hughes picture books for most of my life. Annie Rose Is My Little Sister is one that we read this month; it’s shorter than some of her others and depicts a sweet yet realistic sibling relationship.


Ripe peaches are one of my favourite things about summer. We ate them in oatmeal, muffins, salad, and all by their juicy selves. Corn on the cob is another summer classic and I have two gigantic zucchinis on my counter so I guess I’ll be cooking/baking with those this week.

I’m posting my favourites a little earlier than usual this month, so I have to add that I’m planning to attend my former book club as a guest on Thursday and we are having a Middle Eastern themed potluck. Looking forward to shawarma, hummus, Israeli salad, halva, and sweet cakes!

Board Games

I’ve mentioned before that the public library in Owen Sound lends board games. We’ve continued to try out new ones, for both adults and children. Some of our favourites this month were Pagoda, Forbidden Island, and Chocolate Fix. Have you played these?

Other Stuff

I’ve been doing Cassey Ho’s POP Pilates workout videos on YouTube off and on for years. Lately I’ve been following the free monthly workout calendars that Cassey offers on her website, Blogilates. Check out her stuff if you’re looking for workouts that are short (usually ten minutes), challenging, and varied (cardio, strength, pilates, HIIT, stretching). Cassey is super friendly and energetic, which makes me enjoy the workouts without getting discouraged that she is way more fit than I am!

I love Bon Appetit magazine. It’s a food magazine that’s not focused on health or easy recipes, but trends, travel, restaurants, and practical tips. Borrowing an issue from the library is a treat, even if I don’t make any of the recipes. (I did recently try a quick scrambled egg recipe which turned out well — how can you go wrong with butter and cream cheese?)

I am not at all a techy person so it’s surprising that I have an app to recommend. I’ve been using Todoist (which I learned about in this productivity book) and it’s really making a difference in my life. I’ve always loved to do lists and Todoist makes them even better because I can arrange them by “project” and “subproject” (e.g. household, health, hobbies). I also schedule tasks and if I don’t complete one I can move it to a different day (even a different week or month) instead of staring at it until it’s completed. Another bonus is that you can set tasks to repeat (e.g. every Monday, every first weekday of the month). Give it a try!

Bible Verse

Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, crying out,
For the Lord our God
    the Almighty reigns.” – Revelation 19:6

What are your August favourites?

4 thoughts on “Favourite Things: August Edition

  1. Nelleke says:

    One literary novel from multiple viewpoints that I’ve enjoyed lately is Wilkie Collins’ The Woman in White. Have you read it? Somehow I missed discovering Wilkie Collins when I was younger.

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