4 Things I Learned in June

I’m sure I learned more things in June, but they seem to have fled my mind!

  1. Sometimes food (not metal) causes sparks in the microwave. This happened when I tried to thaw some frozen coconut chunks. (Maybe this explains it.)

2. House hunting makes me antsy. Instead of being patient I keep checking my phone and computer over and over and over again.

3. Vitamins were discovered in the twentieth century.

4. Leni Riefenstahl, who made Nazi propaganda films, survived the war and lived to be 101.

What did you learn in June?

3 thoughts on “4 Things I Learned in June

  1. M.E. Bond
    M.E. Bond says:

    I just remembered one other thing I learned: you can buy Heinz tomato soup in Dollarama! I grew up on that brand but hadn’t seen it in years until my dad discovered where to find it. Who knew?

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