4 Things I Learned in June

Here are four tidbits you may or may not already know.

  1. If it’s too expensive to properly preserve the remains of a shipwreck the pieces may be buried to keep them from deteriorating.

2. A costermonger was a seller of fruits and vegetables in the streets of British towns.

3. Until 1999 women in policing in the UK had “Woman” or “W” prefixing their rank title or abbreviation (e.g. WPC for a female constable).

4. Parsley can survive the winter outside. I thought it was an annual but was pleasantly surprised when the kids found our plant from last year flourishing in the backyard.

What did you learn in June?

2 thoughts on “4 Things I Learned in June

  1. Shelley Bond says:

    I learned (or relearned) the name for this phonetic symbol: “æ” is called ash. My son-in-law is reading a book about countries and regions that no longer exist as distinct entities, which has brought up all sorts of interesting questions for me to research, including the name and pronunciation of ash.

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