Roundup: Posts that Remind Me of Family

We just got back from a long weekend spent with relatives, some of whom we hadn’t seen since October 2019. Sure, there was some chaos, squabbles, and sleep deprivation, but also bonding over Monopoly, air hockey, face paint, kayaks at the beach, church on the lawn, four wheeler rides, and s’mores bars. I’m thankful for time together and memories that I’m sure the cousins will hold onto.

Before I hit the sack I thought I’d share some old blog posts that make me think of family. I hope you find something intriguing to read.

The first in a series of posts my mom wrote for me on the colonial history of slavery in the U.S. A post about Vikings, also gleaned from her university history courses. And one she wrote on the connection between beer and the Reformation!

A couple Thanksgiving posts since the holiday usually resolves around big family gatherings.

A post on engagement rings, and one on wedding bells. Along the same lines, two posts about Valentines (the saint and the cards).

Two postcards from my sister in Virginia. Two postcards from my sister-in-law in Philadelphia. A postcard about the New York Public Library that reminds me of family in so many tangential ways.

The origins of nursery rhymes, a fitting topic in these years of mothering little people.

A post inspired by a family vacation in British Columbia. Two posts about a family trip to San Diego.

A poem I wrote about a baby.

Some quotations from A Room with a View, which will always remind me of backpacking in Europe with my older brother.

The history of a Carnegie Library in Calgary, where we lived for six years.

A post about birthday candles and another on birthday celebrations in honour of family birthdays!

Two poems I wrote for my husband many years ago.

We went to Iceland on our honeymoon.

Canadian and American flags… for family on both sides of the border.

Thinking about pacifiers brings me back to the early days with my first two babies.

Robbie Burns Day! I remember my parents hosting at least one great dinner party in celebration.

One of my favourite places to take my kids. (This is also a nice place for a little walk.)

A.Y. Jackson makes me think of visiting the Art Gallery of Ontario with my family when I was growing up.

I’ve had two memorable trips to Charleston, South Carolina in my life.

Childhood memories of camping on the Bruce Peninsula.

Childhood books.

We stopped at this site when visiting relatives a few years ago.

Two places in Bruce County that we’ve explored with relatives.

Lots and lots of pictures of a wintery field trip with my kids.

This book reminds me of my mom.

And now, good night!

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