8 Things I Learned in August

  1. Central heterochromia is when a person’s eyes are two distinct colours — one colour in a ring around the pupil and another colour for the rest of the iris.

2. Southampton has a large, sandy beach with free parking and is only half an hour from my house.

3. Belize is an English-speaking country in Central America. (It used to be called British Honduras.)

4. The Nobel Prize was awarded to Frederick Banting and John Macleod for the discovery of insulin, but they shared the prize money with Charles Best and James Collip. Learn more!

5. Knights fighting snails are a recurring image in Medieval art.

6. Winston Churchill collected butterflies.

7. Simply Charlotte Mason has gathered together passages about the early years from Charlotte Mason’s writings into a preschool handbook. My sister showed me her copy and it looks like a great resource.

8. In 2022 a new exhibit is coming to Grey Roots Museum: life-sized replicas of Leonardo da Vinci’s inventions. I’m excited!

What did you learn in August?

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