6 Things I Learned in September

  1. A Bon Appetit magazine article gave this tip for making fried rice: mix a few egg yolks into leftover rice before frying it. I’m intrigued; have you ever tried this?

2. Deb Perelman has a third Smitten Kitchen cookbook coming out next fall. My sister has given me both her other books over the years and I hope the trend continues!

3. Agnes Macphail, the first woman elected to Parliament in Canada, was a tireless advocate for prison reform, equal pay for women, and the rights of workers.

4. Hummingbird cake was probably named after the logo of Air Jamaica.

5. You can view some of Leonardo da Vinci’s notebooks online — and he wrote in mirror image probably because he was lefthanded, not to keep his notes secret.

6. I found a great pick-me-up: listening to Great Big Sea songs on YouTube (takes me back in time to several different concerts, hearing their songs on the radio, and listening to one of their CDs in the car on Boxing Day). Anyway, I recently found out that “Run Runaway” is a cover of an 80s song.

What did you learn in September?

2 thoughts on “6 Things I Learned in September

  1. Shelley Bond says:

    Yes, I’ve made fried rice that way. Good to saute up onions and other vegs first, then add the egg-rice mixture and continue frying.

  2. Lori says:

    In September I learned a new word: “gubbins.” It is English slang. It means “odds and ends” or “bunch of various stuff.” A person said it on an English detective show we were watching. “I just have to get my gubbins out of the car.” And I think he said “car” instead of “motor.” Would that be right?

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