3 Things I Learned in November

While doing a workout last night I suddenly realized that for the first time I forgot to post my monthly “what I learned” post! Here are three things I learned in November. Better late than never.

  1. I mentioned in my last post that my kids and I have read quite a few lovely picture books lately. Two of them were written by Charlotte Zolotow, first published in the 1950s and 1960s and recently re-released with new illustrations. (You can see others listed on her Wikipedia page.)

2. I learned that the name “cranberry” probably comes from “crane-berry” since settlers thought the blossoms resembled the head and bill of a sandhill crane.

3. I never knew why people breathe into a paper bag when panicking: when you hyperventilate you expel too much carbon dioxide, so you can use a paper bag to “rebreathe” the air you just expelled. [This might not actually be a good idea.]

What did you learn in November?

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