6 Things I Learned in March

1. Have you heard of the Minnesota Starvation Experiment that was conducted in 1944-1945? I learned about it in three episodes of the Revisionist History podcast (starting here) and was absolutely riveted. I may read or write more about it, but Malcolm Gladwell has already done such a good job discussing the implications. Highly recommend.

2. Travel tip for packing light: if you only need a small amount of face wash, shampoo, etc. put your products into colour-coded contact lens cases.

3. I’ve only used tamarind in pad thai, so I was interested to learn that it is also a popular ingredient in Mexican candy.

4. Horchata is a Mexican drink made of rice and cinnamon. (We tried horchata flavoured jello!)

5. Bamboo grows in Alabama. (Also the magnolia trees look completely different than the ones in Ontario?!)

6. Northern Florida has many cold water cave springs. I got to visit three of them and swim in one!

What did you learn in March?

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