7 Things I Learned in August

I’ve got quite the assortment for you!

  1. Broken rice (com tam) is a Vietnamese dish made of fragmented grains of rice.

2. Speaking of rice, I’d never heard before that leftover rice should be consumed within four days. According to Taste of Home: “You can definitely eat leftover rice, but you do have to be careful to make sure it’s safe. Rice may contain a bacteria called Bacillus cereus. Unlike other leftovers, this particular bacteria isn’t always killed during the cooking process. The best way to avoid getting a foodborne illness is to cool leftover rice down as quickly as possible. Store cooked rice in the refrigerator for no longer than four days, and make sure to reheat it to at least 165°F.” Have you ever had food poisoning from rice?! I guess this shows my ignorance, because I didn’t know it was a thing.

3. In my front garden I have a plant with lovely red edges on its leaves, which suddenly seems to be taking over. Turns out it is called a chameleon plant (also known as fish mint, fish leaf, rainbow plant, heart leaf, fish wort, or Chinese lizard tail) and is invasive and very hard to root out!

4. A coydog is a hybrid canine whose parents are a male coyote and a female dog. (Who knows when this info will come in handy!)

5. I learned how to use a mobile hotspot — very simple and made it easy for me to answer email and publish a blog post while at camp.

6. I also learned how to use an Instant Pot through a combination of cookbooks, websites, and trial and error. (I’m still experimenting!)

7. Finally, “toddler’s fracture” (AKA childhood accidental spiral tibial fracture or CAST fracture) is a fairly common fracture of the shinbone often caused by stumbling or tripping and twisting the leg. Thankfully it is a stable fracture and young children heal quickly!

What do you learn in August?

3 thoughts on “7 Things I Learned in August

  1. Susan W. says:

    You always have some new tidbit of information. Concerning leftover rice, never got sick from rice that was a week old before I reused it in something. That was news to me!

  2. Lori Ferguson says:

    Another post rich with handy information! It appears that a mobile hotspot can be borrowed from our local library, for camping trips just like you said. How times are a-changin’! p.s. I eat cold week-old leftover rice all the time. So far, so good.

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