5 Things I Learned in August

Today I’m joining Emily Freeman to share what I’ve learned lately. Feel free to chime in in the comments!

  1. Charlotte Mason’s writings can be hard to follow, especially when she deals with contemporary issues that are no longer relevant or well-known. I found this article extremely helpful in my study of Charlotte Mason’s educational principles.

2. Heatwaves can reveal historic architectural and landscape features. This fascinates me!

5. Jesse Beulke composed the choral piece “Sanctus” in 2014 when he was only twenty years old. (My husband joined the Shoreline Chorus this summer and just performed two concerts; “Sanctus” was part of the program right after two pieces from Mozart’s “Requiem.” I’m impressed!)

4. My five year old can make chocolate chip cookies with almost no help.

5. My four year old can complete some of the logic puzzles in this game.

(Looks like my kids are growing up.)

What did you learn in August?


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