Historical Highlights 166

Music, art, politics, Frankenstein… read the latest historical and archival news in this week’s historical highlights.

First a timely topic: read about the history of the 14th Amendment here and here.

Learn about Imogen Holst’s archive, including a scrapbook that depicts “a colourful social record of cultural and musical life in pre-war England as well as telling the personal story of a passionate and open-minded woman musician.” (Imogen Holst was the daughter of composer Gustav Holst and a composer and musician in her own right.)

Check out how Frankenstein’s monster has been depicted in comic books over the years. 

“To celebrate their city’s tricentennial, the New Orleans Museum of Art has gathered under one roof what was once one of the greatest art collections in the world.”

If you don’t know much about the Peterloo Massacre of 1819, you might want to read the three posts published by the U.K. National Archives this week. Start here.

Have you read anything interesting lately?

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